This document describes how and why we collect, store, protect, process and share the data given to us.
About us
Bauernhaus Creative and The Print Lady is the Data Controller. This means it is ultimately responsible for the personal data it holds.
Contact Address:
Unit F Meadow View Business Park
Winchester Road
Lower Upham
SO32 1HJ
The personal data we may collect
The contact details of our clients
Banking details
Dates, names and addresses in order for us to create certain documents (wedding invitations for example).
The reason we may process personal data
We collect personal data to allow us to provide some of our design and print services.
Who we may share personal data with
Business associates and other professional services
Family and associates of the person whose personal data we are processing
Suppliers and service providers
The rights of the people whose data we process
The people whose personal data we are processing have the following rights that are applicable to our business:
To be informed – they have a right to be told that we are processing their data.
Access – they have a right to confirmation that we are processing their data, a copy of their personal data and other supplementary information
Rectification – they have a right to have inaccurate personal data corrected
Erasure – they have a right to have their personal data erased, providing there are no reasons for this right not to apply.
Portability – they have a right to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services
To object – they have the right to object to the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances
If you want exercise any of your rights please contact us at
How long we keep personal data
After it has finished the use for which it was being processed we destroy most personal data after 2 years. Some personal data may however be retained for up to 7 years (current financial year plus 6) in line with the Limitation Act 1980.
How data is stored and processed?
Personal data are stored in electronic and hard copy formats. Electronic records are protected by encryption, anti-hacking and anti-virus technologies. Hard copy documents are stored in appropriate containers and in locations to which access is restricted.
If you’ve already told us we need to do something, but we haven’t responded in a way that you’re satisfied with, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO).
It’s easiest to do this online via the ICO website ( ), but you can also do so in writing to:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF